Institutional buy-side and sell-side fund mandates and searches
We currently have both primary and secondary buy-side mandates from a select group of LPs.
For General Partners
We currently have both primary and secondary buy-side mandates from a select group of LPs.
If you are a GP and currently raising or briefly coming to the market, we would like to hear from you. We can work with you, in an efficient and cost-effective manner, even if you are working with a placement agent or with your own internal investor relations team.
Please feel free to reach out if you are an established manager with funds focused on the following strategies:​​
North America or EU mid-market and lower mid-market buyout and/or growth strategy
Senior debt and mezzanine funds
ESG focused funds
Women and/or minority-led funds
For Limited Partners
Our team has strong relationships with top quartile fund managers from around the world that are investing across all major asset classes. For LPs needing assistance with specialized searches, our team can quickly identify and make introductions to fund managers that are suitable for your current investment mandates. Please feel free to reach out to us to learn more about how we can help.